
A Hotlist on Narnia


Here you can find the necessary information about C.S.Lewis's book  "The Chronicles of Narnia".
I hope it will be interesting for you

The Internet-resources:

  1. On this site you can obtain with the biography of C.S.Lewis and be informed about his life and career
  2. On this website you can find the full infomation about book, learn in what order to read and find out the information about characters, plot of every book
  3.  Here you can find the full infromation about Narnia's world, its places and main characters
  4. Here you will be informed about magic Narnian's creatures
  5. There is an interesting fact about Narnia's connecton with Chistianity
  6. This site helps you to know the detailed plot of every book
  7. Here you can download or read the whole book

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